We went to Inam veerapur village for village study actually we have a 2 days plan for this village. In this village, our purpose only understands this village such as what is village. , what they are having basic needs? what are resource is their, and in this village what is the condition of health and sanitation? In addition, what is the condition of farmers in this village so this type of we had plan. So in this team we are four members we 1st day we started our study that was good experience to us because in this villagers they welcome very heartily to us after we met AME foundation we had introduce ourselves and our purpose after they all are introduced self after we intact with community about village background and what is the population , and education rate ,all these things .
After intracaction with community we went to transact walk with villagers and observed what is the condition n of this village hoses and drainage system in this village drainage using is very poor because of they do not have proper drainage each street. Water arability is good because of this is a small village they have two bore wells, but whenever breakage of electricity leads to difficulty of access of water.
about Health and sanitation we learned from villagers here they don’t facing any highly diseases ,its wonder because they are using hubli drainage water for agriculture purpose.
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