Report On Leadership Activity
Name of the Participators:
Leader: Mr. Shambhuling.N.Matpathi,
Mr. Mahanthaswami.Pujar
Followers: Mr. Veeresh. P.
Mr. Basvaraj.SK
Pulse polio Leadership Activity
Held in Unkal Anganwadi Block -II
Date: 01 February 2009
Time: 08am to 12pm.
Venue: Sri. Mailarlinga Temple
In the morning we read newspaper, in that newspaper we found today is Pulse Polio Program. Than our team decided to work on Pulse Polio Program. We found one Ag
nwadi that is Unkal Block-II.
In this program we did lot of works. Following those activities,
We met Pulse Polio Program Staff:
This program was held in Sri. Mailarlinga temple by the Unkal Anganwadi Block-II. Mrs. Vijay Halimani is Anganwadi care taker. And two volunteer from KIMS nursing college their names are Mr. Murlidhar and Mr. Chakrapni. We introduced our self and Deshpande Foundation. Later on we visited around 200 houses for awareness campaign regarding Pulse Polio Program.

The place where Children facing Challenges!
26th Jan, 2009 (M, C, B & M)
As leaders Mahantesh, and Chandrashekhar, I and Meenakshi are as followers, went to experience About new students living with challenges in their life. Can yo
u imagine? No body, because they are different in understanding and grasping the things. They look like normal but they are extra ordinary. Today we have known that what the touch and feel method is? Yes today we went to Government Boys Blind School, Siddharudmath, Hubli. Nearly there are 65 students, out of them 38 were present today. Mahantesh has taught them games which made them to laugh loudly, and then played counting numbers n clapping for every fifth number. That made them to aware n be conscious but in reality they are very sharp because they knew about it. Basavaraj interacted with their teachers about their syllabus. Meenakshi and I taught one more game of clap
ping with self introduction. Mahantesh has sang a patriotic song and one of the boy has inspired then he has also sang a song for their friends. At the last movement we have distributed chocolates for all the students. They said they will eat it after 5PM because of

Leaders : Mahantesh n Chandrashekhar Followers : Meenakshi n Basavaraj
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